Medicure monitors co-pays as part of its medical billing procedure. We make sure whether proper co-pay amounts were collected or not.
Traditional revenue cycle management is transforming into value-based care reimbursement instead of fee-for-service bringing about a revolution in the entire industry.
Our Revenue Cycle Management Services
Dealing with industry challenges comfortably and without hassle is made possible with our RCM services. It gives you the benefit of increasingly efficient cash flow management solutions which authorizes better financial stability and flexibility for managing routine operation. We have worked in recent years with both small and large clinics, hospitals, physician offices, family-based medical practices, ACHs, and medical billing providers to provide them with indicated revenue management services. Our offerings include –
- Accounts Receivable Management
- Accounts Receivable Analysis
- Accounts Receivable Follow-up
- AR Calling Services
- Denial Management Services
- Insurance Eligibility Verification
- Medical Insurance Claims Processing
- Payment Posting
- Pre-Visit RCM Services
- Post-Visit RCM Services